them don't have a CS degree and that's fascinating we found that people who don't actually belong to CS are you know they have a higher probability of learning how to code because they are more passionate and they are trying harder to learn how to say exactly and the way the education system is evolving and we believe that it's going to be the future is that anyone kiss ecobee augur c-can I may go girl your best friend ask Google questions your curiosity is directly proportional to your learning speed right you can find everything online in the simplest manner possible

 if you're just a curious person trying to play around with it I think you can easily learn how to code and the second thing I'd mention is that no matter which industry you want to be in IT is going to change every industry it's already changing app industry right so it's always good for you to know how to cook or throw so all this is amazing but I want to take you back to your past again what what happened your childhood that made you want to become an entrepreneur I think it was 2008 seven or eight when Steve Jobs launched the first iPhone and I was looking at the

You know app launch event and the way he introduced that phone that I'm going to launch three products today a web browser a music device and a phone then he says that again three times and then we realized that is one product and then I realized the kind of sheer impact that food is going to have in people's lives that kind of inspired me a lot and I decided that I
