experience right so mentor can show you the right path and if you had to go back and give some advice to 16 year old I wish as well what would it be so I would just just keep doing what you are doing you know I I love doing things when I was 16 I was really passionate about things but one of the advice which I think something which I did wrong was following the crowd or or following the stereotypes right I was preparing for IITs I had this in my mind Lou Thesz so something is but

 I was just following the path of others just because I was I was too scared to take that fall right but I would say one of my biggest learnings and last five years has been that the biggest risk you can take is not take any risks right so don't think about taking risks

 if there is make sense so go for it go for it yeah take take the fall and especially if you want to be an entrepreneur so it's like a really good saying and and we truly believe in this as well says that you need to take the fall right you need to take the leap of faith and figure out how to survive on the way right even if you feel you're going to die you still need to take that leap of faith right you're going to face a lot of difficulties and believe me it's it's so hard that mentally physically

 you will challenge be challenged in in so many ways right I've had to make decisions which I really hate I've felt so bad about myself I hated myself for a while I've had physical issues I've had diseases and still active work so there are basically no excuses right so when you take that leap of faith you can't complain about anything you just need to get things done and you don't have a choice thank you that was the interview today guys obviously I'm going to link I
