with entrepreneurship is super simple just go on hooby find resources learn about how things are done make Paul Graham's blog your Bible and there are so many so much material which Y Combinator has world's largest accelerator go through that and find a mentor I think that is one thing which a lot of us miss out on find a mentor a early stage in your life and believe me there are so many people who would want to help you you just don't realize that right just bring people and they'll help a lot of people say gr may go mental mill running Iran I don't feel that you should just work hard the mentor will comes on they say go out looking for someone but that mentor walk into your life so I want to ask all these people who are thinking this just ask yourself how many messages have you sent or how many emails have you sent when

 I was looking for a mentor when I was 18 like then when I was you know deciding to drop out of college I sent more than 100 emails and I pinged pretty much everyone on Facebook and that did not only get me one mentor I just got so many people who want you to help me and that

 just helped me in so much ways to shape out my career later because someone who's more experienced can always teach you how to walk on that entrepreneurship exactly anything it's just giving you a direction right so direction is always more important than speed so one of my mentors dr. Rakesh Malik he he taught me one thing which I always remember he says that always plan with patience but execute with impatience right execute violently with impatience right so why planning you need that 
