want to become someone like him and in that instant around two thousand seven or eight I decided that I want to be an entrepreneur and to be an entrepreneur I decided that I need to know multiple skills so that I can you know lead teams and you know have that broader perspective about what people are working on and because I was inspired by Steve Jobs I started with design so I started playing around with Photoshop mixing a board with lion and other other funny things like taking two legs off a giraffe for her so during the first step towards an entrepreneurship career is just learning one skill oh yeah so I feel that entrepreneurship is just a mindset when you want to make someone's life better by introducing

 some products or a different model which just makes sense for everyone it's just that's archived ownership right if you can find a win-win situation for all the parties involved by not thinking about any stereotypes and can disrupt an industry that's not gonna surprise I believe that anyone can be entrepreneurs yeah right it's just it's just hard you stick to it there's a lot of kids watching this will want to become entrepreneurs but they don't know the step by step procedure

 so can you help them a little so the first thing is that when you actually want to be an entrepreneur I would not recommend you to be an entrepreneur unless and until you are really passionate about something because entrepreneurship looks very cool but it involves you being bankrupt for yours it involves you going through a lot of hardships and it's it's way too hard right but if you are really passionate about something and you really want to solve a problem started
