Important Thing

important things they did for me and graduates maybe you don't want to hear this is that once I graduated I was on my own financially it was my turn parents are applauding graduates are not but this made me very hungry

 literally I couldn't be lazy now I'm totally lazy but back then I couldn't be and so at 29 and a very long last I was in the company of the actors and writers and directors I'd sought out that first year that first day after school I was I am by their sides raised the rest of your life to meet you don't search for defining moments because they will never come well the birth of your children okay of course forget about it that's I just six months she's my life is forever changed and that's the most defining moment ever but I'm talking about in the rest of your life and most importantly in

 your work the moments that define you have already happened and they will already happen again and it passes so quickly so please bring each other along with you everyone you need is in this room these are the shiny more important people [Applause] sorry it sucks after graduation it really does I mean

 I don't know at least it did for me but that's the only thing I know you you just get a bit derailed but soon something starts to happen trust me a rhythm sets in just like it did after your first few days here just try not to wait until like me you're 29 before you find it and if you are that's fine too some of us never find it but you will I promise you you are already here that's such an enormous step all its own you'll find your rhythm or continue the one you I've already found I was walking
