NYU Freshman

 downtown in Manhattan the other day and I was approached by a group of very sweet young ladies easy actually they're sort of running feverishly down the street after me when they got to me breathless it was really they didn't know what to say or couldn't form the words but it came out that they were

 NYU freshmen and they were majoring in musical theater of course mom there are like science majors they're running after me what musicals are you doing I inquired well one of them said looking down at her shoes we aren't allowed to be in plays our yet our freshman year now they were paying a very high tuition to not do what they love doing I think I said well hang in there what I should have said was don't wait until they tell you you are ready get in there sing or quickly transfer to Bennington when

 I went to school here if a freshman wanted to write direct and star in her own musical the lights would already be hung for her now I tell this story mm-hmm because the world might say you are not allowed to yet I waited a long time out in the world before

 I gave myself permission to fail please don't even bother asking don't bother telling the world you already show it do it what did Beckett say ever tried ever failed no matter try again fail again fail better bennington class of 2012 the world is yours treat everyone kindly and light up the night thank you so much
