
Showing posts from July, 2019

NYU Freshman

 downtown in Manhattan the other day and I was approached by a group of very sweet young ladies easy actually they're sort of running feverishly down the street after me when they got to me breathless it was really they didn't know what to say or couldn't form the words but it came out that they were  NYU freshmen and they were majoring in musical theater of course mom there are like science majors they're running after me what musicals are you doing I inquired well one of them said looking down at her shoes we aren't allowed to be in plays our yet our freshman year now they were paying a very high tuition to not do what they love doing I think I said well hang in there what I should have said was don't wait until they tell you you are ready get in there sing or quickly transfer to Bennington when  I went to school here if a freshman wanted to write direct and star in her own musical the lights would already be hung for her now I tell this story mm-hmm beca

Important Thing

important things they did for me and graduates maybe you don't want to hear this is that once I graduated I was on my own financially it was my turn parents are applauding graduates are not but this made me very hungry  literally I couldn't be lazy now I'm totally lazy but back then I couldn't be and so at 29 and a very long last I was in the company of the actors and writers and directors I'd sought out that first year that first day after school I was I am by their sides raised the rest of your life to meet you don't search for defining moments because they will never come well the birth of your children okay of course forget about it that's I just six months she's my life is forever changed and that's the most defining moment ever but I'm talking about in the rest of your life and most importantly in  your work the moments that define you have already happened and they will already happen again and it passes so quickly so please bring eac


It is situated in Gandhinagar, India's largest aviary (birdhouse) Indra-park Park Nature Park.  |  Bird strength is the most vulnerable and the strongest power of seeing.  'Much like the white-haired birds give each other feathers.   Flamingo (Surakhaba) eats a bird's head with its inverse.  Mockingbirds that can duplicate the sounds of more than 40 birds.  'Malipoul' bird is the heaviest ton of three tons in the Australian desert  Make nest.  The litterola bird is known as 'butcher' bird.  Usually birds live 10 to 15 years, but eagles 20 years and even kacakoua live 70 to 100 years.  That night vision of Owl is 100 times more intense than human vision at night.  The largest predator bird is 'Condor' vulture.  The biggest field to roam the bird's sights and to get food is the 'Golden Eagle' area of ​​Europe, in the 16th century.   MIL, Philippines 'Monkey Eating Eagle' Bird's Field 12 sq.  Fields of Mile and 'G


 use handles pesto's handles down below please go check them out and also link pesto's website where you can actually go and try it outside of the pesto program and until next time guys from IU Shran me and the team we'll see you later Roaring Parakeet - Suit / Soup Parrot is found everywhere.  That is the highest-grossing vocalist Roshechrist Rose Fein - Pink Tuti Bird.  The smallest bird is the white fronted Falconet.  Whistling Whiseling Swan Most Whistling Swan - Whistling Hans |  Bird is in there.  The lowest feathers are the pygmy owl bird.  That Tyrell Flycatcher - is the largest class of bird species.  India's Most Common Eagle Tawny Eagle - Desi RT is the Zuma.  The smallest beak knit jar in the proportion of body length, is not it?  Print is birdy.  The best parrots in the parrot are the gray granules of Africa.  The most weighty brain is a parrot bird.  .  The heaviest weight of the body compared to body weight is Galenisipus bird, ostrich and pigeon bir


 experience right so mentor can show you the right path and if you had to go back and give some advice to 16 year old I wish as well what would it be so I would just just keep doing what you are doing you know I I love doing things when I was 16 I was really passionate about things but one of the advice which I think something which I did wrong was following the crowd or or  following the stereotypes right I was preparing for IITs I had this in my mind Lou Thesz so something is but  I was just following the path of others just because I was I was too scared to take that fall right but I would say one of my biggest learnings and last five years has been that the biggest risk you can take is not take any risks right so don't think about taking risks  if there is make sense so go for it go for it yeah take take the fall and especially if you want to be an entrepreneur so it's like a really good saying and and we truly believe in this as well says that you need to take the fal


 with entrepreneurship is super simple just go on hooby find resources learn about how things are done make Paul Graham's blog your Bible and there are so many so much material which Y Combinator has world's largest accelerator go through that and find a mentor I think that is one thing which a lot of us miss out on find a mentor a early stage in your life and believe me there are so many people who would want to help you you just don't realize that right just bring people and they'll help a lot of people say gr may go mental mill running Iran I don't feel that you should just work hard the mentor will comes on they say go out looking for someone but that mentor walk into your life so I want to ask all these people who are thinking this just ask yourself how many messages have you sent or how many emails have you sent when  I was looking for a mentor when I was 18 like then when I was you know deciding to drop out of college I sent more than 100 emails and I ping


 want to become someone like him and in that instant around two thousand seven or eight I decided that I want to be an entrepreneur and to be an entrepreneur I decided that I need to know multiple skills so that I can you know lead teams and you know have that broader perspective about what people are working on and because I was inspired by Steve Jobs I started with design so I started playing around with Photoshop mixing a board with lion and other other funny things like taking two legs off a giraffe for her so during the first step towards an entrepreneurship career is just learning one skill oh yeah so I feel that entrepreneurship is just a mindset when you want to make someone's life better by introducing  some products or a different model which just makes sense for everyone it's just that's archived ownership right if you can find a win-win situation for all the parties involved by not thinking about any stereotypes and can disrupt an industry that's not gon


 them don't have a CS degree and that's fascinating we found that people who don't actually belong to CS are you know they have a higher probability of learning how to code because they are more passionate and they are trying harder to learn how to say exactly and the way the education system is evolving and we believe that it's going to be the future is that anyone kiss ecobee augur c-can I may go girl your best friend ask Google questions your curiosity is directly proportional to your learning speed right you can find everything online in the simplest manner possible  if you're just a curious person trying to play around with it I think you can easily learn how to code and the second thing I'd mention is that no matter which industry you want to be in IT is going to change every industry it's already changing app industry right so it's always good for you to know how to cook or throw so all this is amazing but I want to take you back to your past